Team effectiveness is your best business plan

We help you make systemic changes so that your team becomes your asset, delivering above-expectation results with purpose and joy.

Bird flock illustration team efficiency

Recognising systemic challenges in team efficiency

NESS shines a light on these problems and helps create custom solutions to help your team grow and improve.

Get your team diagnostic

Team and execution play a critical role, contributing to 32% of startups' success or failure.


65% of IT project failures can be traced back to human or people-related factors.


Poor governance, mismanagement, and coordination deficits contribute to a 95% NGO failure rate.

Silo effect generating ineffective output

Poor results

Silo effect generating confusion with the customer, important delays or bad design, solving the wrong problem,...

Ineffective collaborative process

Unsupportive context

Inappropriate tooling, lack of key processes (ex. Onboarding, firing,...), too many unuseful processes, too many meetings, forced in-presence at the office.

No psychological safety

Disengaged teams

Low employee morale, turnover, lack of motivation, on the clock behavior, burn-out/bore-out, ...


Team effectiveness by design

We have devised a three-step process to assist you in achieving team effectiveness. Think of it as akin to a hospital visit – first, you receive a diagnosis, followed by the prescribed cure, and finally, our team is there to provide nurturing support throughout your journey to sustained improvement.

Get your team diagnostic
Diagnosis, with an In-depth team analysis

Begin with clarity. Our in-depth analysis uncovers  the 'elephant in the room'—the issues everyone feels but no one can pinpoint. You will get actionable insights and 'quick wins' that pave the way for change.

1-10 days
Conception, tailored Modules for team Excellence

With the diagnostic data in hand, we craft a strategy that fits your team like a glove. Skills inventories, role alignment, training needs—we cover it all to set your team's course towards excellence.

4 - 8 weeks

We walk with you through the transformation journey. NESS's hands-on approach ensures your team not only adopts new strategies but thrives through them, delivering results with a renewed sense of joy and purpose.

6 months

Proven method and results

"It looks like you did nothing, and yet I see how well we work now and how nice it feels and I wouldn't have believed you if you had told me earlier that this level of comfort was possible"

Product Owner For MyImpactTool

"The ATMS team was nice because we cared about each other and we were passionate about what we were doing. The team was really focused on trying to deliver ATMS and everyone was playing its part in a fully collaborative/cooperative way."

TechLead Belgium National Railway

"An autonomous team with a high level of expertise (technical and functional). Diversity within the team members to foster collaboration and a great team spirit. A dream for a manager as the only job its facilitating if/when needed."

Business Area Lead for Train operations National Railway

Our clients

Our partners


We believe in a world where teams are the bedrock of innovation and joy the standard, not the exception. We're committed to partnering with you to create teams that are as passionate about their work as they are proficient.

Get your team diagnostic
Candy M. Willems
Simon Bauwens
Fely Bwatu
Sibren DePreter
Sevan Holemans
Junior Akotshi
Emmanuel Mossay
Xavier Pouria
Patrick Putz